Saturday Morning Fun Pit

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Futurama - Season 7 - Episode 19 - Saturday Morning Fun Pit
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Saturday Morning Fun Pit
About this Futurama episode: Futurama - "Saturday Morning Fun Pit" is the 19th episode of season 7 and number 133 overall in the series.
The episode begins by lampooning Scooby-Doo, with various Planet Express crew members assuming the roles of the beloved mystery team. I particularly enjoyed Fry's rendition of Shaggy, who was quite literally the stoner we all knew he was from the original series. ("Hey, like, here's a puzzler -- how old are we on a scale of 14 to 32?")
But the best part of this segment was the '70s animation style, which played on some of the tropes from the old Scooby-Doo show. Some were pretty obvious, like the running in place gag, but others were surprisingly subtle; the grainy "Mystery Express" plate "parking" on different background plates was an especially nice touch (though, the five-fingered hands on all the characters was kind of freaking me out). George Takei's voice cameo here also brought out a few chuckles, including his line, "And I would never have gotten away with it, regardless of of you meddling kids."
The second vignette from this episode was by far the weakest, and not surprisingly considering its obvious Smurfs/Strawberry Shortcake vibe. The breakfast cereal tie-in gag was amusing for about a minute, but that soon became the basis for the whole thing. By the second "commercial break," I got the gist. It would have been nice to see a different cartoon parody -- Ninja Turtles or Super Friends, perhaps? That said, I did get a kick out of Zoidberg's monosyllabic little bat henchmen to the Professor's maniacal Gargamel sendup.


  1. OMG Bender is Scooby Doo :)) this is epic. Thanks for the new episode.
